  • MUI


Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) is an organization that
provides guidelines for following Islamic norms

Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) is the largest religious organization in Indonesia that is comprised of Islamic authorities to
provide guidelines for upholding Islamic norms such as Islamic law, foods, and banking.

  • Has authority in various domains including public education in various fields, Islamic banking and financial systems, and certification standards for halal foods and products.
  • As one of the halal audit institutes, MUI leads the establishment and operation of LPPOM MUI, promoting the development and improvement of Islamic law and related
    domains in cooperation with the Indonesian government and international Islamic organizations.
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    An organization that interprets and makes
    decisions on Islamic norms and law

    Established by MUI, the committee makes authoritative interpretations
    and decisions on questions about Islamic norms and law.
    This committee interprets Islamic law and norms of Indonesia and
    provides advice on Islamic issues

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    Presents guidelines to be implemented in
    halal audit institutes

    Particularly, the MUI Fatwa Committee presents opinions on issues
    regarding the certification process and standards for halal food and
    beverages, issuance of halal certificates, and audit, and presents
    guidelines for halal audit institutes in Indonesia to implement